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Herbs for Hens® Bee Balm

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Bee Balm is a great herb to incorporate into your chicken keeping. Enjoy this latest installment of Herbs for Hens®.

The latest video in my series Herbs for Hens® focuses on the edible flower Bee Balm. I grow and use bee balm, also called monarda or bergamot, in my natural chicken keeping. 

Herbs for Hens® Bee Balm

Bee balm is a hardy perennial that is easily grown from seed. It is not only a wonderful attractant for all kinds of pollinators including bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, but it adds a pretty pop of color to a garden. 

It comes in various shades of pink, lavender and fuschia. 

Click below to watch the video:

Watch Herbs for Hens®: Bee Balm

Bee balm can be fed free-choice to your chickens, either fresh or dries. They'll eat both the petals and leaves. Or you can brew tea from the flower heads. 

Bee balm also acts as an antibacterial and antiseptic herb with calming properties,  so it makes a nice addition to the chickens' nesting boxes. Again, you can use it either fresh or dried.

Bee balm makes a pretty cut flower or garnish for desserts or salads.

I hope you enjoyed this installment  of Herbs for Hens®. 

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