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Herbal Rx | Chicken, Heal Thyself!

Offer fresh and dried herbs and edible flowers to your chickens to provide them the means to heal themselves and keep themselves in optimal health.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks I run into trying to encourage others to raise their flocks naturally, without chemicals or antibiotics, is being asked Where's the proof? Where are the scientific studies?

How do you know this works? 

Sadly, big pharma isn't shoveling research dollars into studying herbal remedies, especially those relating to chickens, nor is the commercial chicken farming industry, for the most part.

Although I was greatly encouraged to read this article in the New York Times about oregano oil being studied by large commercial chicken producers as a natural antibiotic and this study done on using mint in the diet of laying hens. And some commercial chicken farms are also relying on the power of herbs.

Still though, much of the herbal care for both humans and animals has to be taken on faith.

So how do I know holistic care for chickens works?

Herbal Rx | Chicken, Heal Thyself!

Well, because I've been practicing it for years on my own flock. I believe that oregano is a natural antibiotic. As is sea kelp.  I believe that thyme helps to boost immune systems.

I provide my chickens access to their own herb garden and snip and trim herbs from our kitchen garden for them. I trust that they know what they need, when and how much.

Would I use antibiotics if I had to on a sick hen?

Of course I would, but fortunately by adding natural supplements and preventives to my flock's diet, I have never had to make that decision.

I work hard to build my chickens' immune systems and as a result they have the tools and means to stay healthy and fight anything they encounter themselves, from the inside.

The way it was meant to be.  To loosely quote from Luke 4:23 "Chicken, Heal Thyself".

The use of herbs has been around since Biblical times and you can bet the chickens living in the manger or in Mary and Joseph's backyard were out munching on nutritious sage, marjoram, lavender and all the other yummy Mediterranean herbs!

If herbal remedies didn't work, I daresay the human race, as well as all the animal species, would not have survived this long. After all, 'modern' medicine has only been around for the last century or so.

But bottom line, my 'proof' comes from seeing first hand how healthy and beautiful my chickens are.

They are great layers and they are never sick. Ever. I don't feed our newly hatched baby chicks medicated feed or vaccinate them and I have never lost one. Ever.

So I'm a believer.  If you don't believe me, take a look at my Facebook page and Instagram feed.

Those are all photos of my own chickens, ducks and geese. Raised naturally. Many of my chickens are 8 and 9 years old and two of our ducks turned 12 years old a few months ago. They have never been given any commercial medications, antibiotics, vaccines or medicated feed.

However, they do have access to all kinds of herbs, edible flowers and weeds on a regular basis.

If you want to read more, there are so many articles I've written based on my own personal experience, what I do and what works for me. So browse my blog for awhile. I hope you have an open mind and will go the natural route because it's healthier for your chickens ... and for your family.

If you want to learn more about raising your chickens using herbs, weeds and edible flowers, pick up a copy of my book Fresh Eggs Daily: Raising Happy, Healthy Chickens... Naturally where ever books are sold.

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Researched and written by author and 5th generation chicken keeper Lisa Steele
©2014 by Fresh Eggs Daily, Inc. All rights reserved.